Friday, April 18, 2014

Egg-cellent Week in Speech

I don't know about y'all but this past week was a struggle.  Because of all our snow days (15 in total!) we lost all of our spring break and the kids (and teachers!) desperately needed a break!  This week was more a "how can I stretch a small out amount of therapy materials to make them last all week long". This speech therapist was in desperate need of a break!

This week in speech we enjoyed many Easter themed activities...
We searched for eggs with our speech sounds inside... which sometimes ended up as just playing with the grass... lesson learned

We worked on our location words as well as following directions by 
hiding eggs in our Where's the Egg? books

We played Easter Bingo (freebie can be found here)

We worked on irregular plurals with these fun eggs (freebie can be found here)

All in all it was a pretty good week, made even better by the fact that we did not have school on Good Friday or Easter Monday... that means a long weekend back in Minnesota for this SLP.  

Next week we will be celebrating Earth Day and learning all about the 3 Rs.

I hope y'all have a wonderful and blessed Easter. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Spring Time in the Speech Room

I don't know about y'all but it's finally starting to feel like spring around here.  Last week we averaged mid 70s all week and you will hear no complaining from this SLP.  I think this warmer weather is God's way of saying hey sorry you didn't get a spring break last week so I will give you beautiful weather.  The kids knew we were supposed to be on Spring Break last week so they were all a little stir crazy which makes Miss K. a little crazy but we made it through. 

This week we celebrated all things spring including making umbrellas, feeding caterpillars, counting raindrop syllables, and working on our language goals.  

Counting syllables in multisyllabic words in our Rain Shower Syllables Activity 

We made umbrellas with our target sounds written on raindrops and worked on Synonyms, Irregular plurals, and irregular past tense verbs with the Spring Time Language Packet

We worked on requesting, following directions, and sequencing while feeding a Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Even though we did not get a spring break it was fun to celebrate the arrival (finally!) of spring. 45 days until Summer break... not that I'm counting or anything :)