Sunday, May 18, 2014

Just Imagine How Much Cooler I'll Be In Summer

We have one week of school left and let me just tell you how excited this SLP is!  99.9% of my IEPs are done, reports cards are in the process of being completed, my room is getting cleaned up, and my kiddos have officially checked out.

This last week in speech has been all about keeping my kiddos engaged and learning while keeping it fun and light.  This week in speech....

We made speech sandcastles... Thanks Crazy Speech World for this fantastic idea!

We worked on synonyms, pronouns, verbs, and much more with this summer themed language packet

We started working on our speech yearbooks created by Crazy Speech World.

As the school year comes to an end it is crazy to think that it has been a year since I graduated from UW-Eau Claire ready to hit the ground running.  This year has been a roller coaster of ups and downs but I would not have it any other way.  

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


I don't know about y'all but right around the end of the school year I am struggling to come up with a way to keep my speechies motivated while keeping my material making to a minimum (IEP meetings anyone?).  Just in case you were not aware/are living under a rock Teachers Pay Teachers is having a sale for the next 36ish hours.  In addition to the TpT sale a lot of the stores (including mine) are having an additional sale.  Go fill up your shopping carts with some end of the year goodies! I know I did :)  

SLP Natalie