Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Day Snow Day

We have now entered into snow day number 15... last night it iced/winter mixed so what started out as a two hour delay has since morphed into snow day number 15.  So Crazy!  All the teachers at school keep saying "This is not a normal winter" "We never get weather like this".  I am bummed because I had some awesome bright green Toms that I was finally going to bust out in celebration.  I am glad I have a full week of St. Patrick's Day activities planned so we can still celebrate in the speech room even after the day has passed. I decided to use this snow day to trial run a craft I had planned with my kiddos to make sure it was something my kinders could be successful at.  

This week (whenever we get back to school) we are going to make speech rainbows!

This is a super easy craft that I think 99.9% of my kiddos will enjoy.  All you need are paper plates, crayons, cotton balls, yellow construction paper, and glue.  
Cut the paper plates in half and have students color them like rainbows... I chose to cut mine to make it  more of an arch but I will probably have the kiddos just leave their plates in half... glue cotton balls on one end and then glue yellow construction paper circles on the other end for the gold at the end of the rainbow.  For this example I put target /k/ words on my gold pieces but you can modify it to fit your students needs.... and voila!  A quick and easy St. Patrick's day craft 

The infamous green Toms... I'll just need to wait for warmer weather 
to bust these bad boys out again 

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back. 
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand. 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

SLP Natalie 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Happy Belated Birthday Dr. Seuss

I had a full week of  Dr. Seuss related therapy activities planned out for Dr. Seuss' birthday/Read Across America.   However, the weather had other plans... we ended up having snow days on Monday, Tuesday and Friday the first week in March!  We had some Seuss-tastical fun on Wednesday and Thursday but I had way too many activities lined up to not extend Dr. Seuss week.  This week in speech we:
Read Dr. Seuss books in the iPad

Worked on Synonyms by matching Horton the Elephants the matching Clover 
Dressed up like our favorite Dr. Seuss characters 
Made Cat in the Hat hats with our speech sounds on them 
Flipped Green Eggs with our speech words on them 
Sequenced Green Eggs and Ham

One of the teachers in my school sent us this great smartboard pack with celebrities like 
Justin Bieber and Tim Tebow reading some of our favorite Dr. Seuss books.
My kinders got a kick out of the biebes reading The Cat in the Hat

We  made Truffula Tree forests with our own Lorax to protect them.  
I had each kiddo work for their pom poms by saying their words x number of times
and then we drew the trunks on our Truffula Trees.

All in all I would say our Seuss themed week (and two days) was a hit.  I am gearing up for a St. Patrick's week full of green and gold and NO SNOW!

SLP Natalie