I don't know about other SLPs who have returned to work but y'all, I am suffering from what I like to call End of Summer Depression (ESD for short). This first week back has struggle central in the speech room, mainly because the first week back is full of paperwork, scheduling, and PD presentations that don't apply to speech A.K.A my least favorite aspects of being a school based SLP. I know that when my kiddos return on Monday I will be singing a different tune but this week almost did me in. My room is finally starting to look like a room again and the first draft of my weekly schedule is slowly coming together. I will say that it is 10,000 times easier this time around compared to my first year, where the name of the game was just keeping my head above water. And now without further adieu here is a photo tour of speech room
Just like I left it in May
Attempting to make the room look less jail cell-esque
Games, Activities, and Artic Cards
Under the calendar are our theme of the week, speech rules, and no way words posters
This blank wall will house our projects and artwork from the week's theme (please excuse the disaster that my desk is already becoming)
I have finally found a way to store my TpT creations/downloads! These crates are from Walmart but I have seen similar ones at Target in their back to school section.
This year I am making sure my kiddos know what they are working towards each time they come into the speech room. I made 6 of these cards that each kiddo will fill out before we start our session.
And there you have it folks! It's small and claustrophobic but it's all mine. I am excited to see my speech babies this week and learn all about their fun filled summers using this Summer Synopsis packet.
To those SLPs who have returned, welcome back and to those of you who are still enjoying summer... enjoy it while it lasts.
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